A devastating virus has ravaged South Carolina, transforming infected humans into ravenous, brain-eating zombies. As panic spreads and cities fall, your group finds itself trapped in a mysterious home made research facility, surrounded by the relentless undead. It is filled with valuable supplies, cryptic puzzles, and the remnants of the work of the enigmatic Dr. Dillman, the brilliant but reclusive scientist who disappeared when the outbreak began.

Dr. Dillman was known for his unconventional methods and secretive nature. His research was rumored to hold the key to combating the virus, but now, it may also be the key to your survival. You have just 60 minutes before the horde breaches the barricades and overwhelms the facility.

As you and your team venture deeper into the laboratory, you encounter a series of intricate puzzles and challenges left behind by Dr. Dillman. These puzzles are designed to protect his most valuable discoveries, and solving them will require every ounce of your ingenuity and cooperation. The eerie silence of the lab is punctuated by the distant groans of the undead and the occasional flicker of the dim, failing lights.

The tension is palpable as you navigate through dark, cluttered corridors, each step bringing you closer to the truth hidden within Dr. Dillman’s research. You discover notes and recordings that hint at a possible cure, but also reveal the extent of the doctor’s obsession and the sacrifices he made in his quest for answers.

Time is running out. The barricades won’t hold much longer, and the undead are growing more desperate by the minute. Your only chance of survival lies in deciphering the secrets of Dr. Dillman’s work and finding a way to escape the facility.
Teamwork is essential. Each puzzle you solve and each clue you uncover brings you one step closer to freedom. The fate of your group hangs in the balance as you race against the clock, your heart pounding with the knowledge that your brain is on the menu. Can you use it to outsmart the horde and unlock the way to safety before time runs out?

In this harrowing escape room experience, the stakes have never been higher. Your survival depends on your ability to work together, think quickly, and overcome the twisted challenges left behind by Dr. Dillman. Will you emerge victorious, or will you become another victim of the zombie outbreak? The clock is ticking, and the undead are closing in. The answer lies within the facility—and within yourselves.